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Get Out the Vote!
About Get Out The Vote
In 1920, during The American Legion National Convention in Cleveland, the organization went on record urging all American Legion men to become qualified voters. Since then, the organization has passed countless similar resolutions advocating Legionnaires to not only exercise their constitutional responsibility to vote, but to also encourage others to do the same.
Elections are important to our republic. As citizens of this great nation, it is our duty and responsibility to exercise this right of franchise by casting our ballots on Election Day and to encourage others to do so as well. It was on this premise that The American Legion’s “Get Out the Vote” program was initiated shortly after the organization’s inception. Today it is as important as it was in elections past.
The Legion's "Get Out the Vote" program encourages all Americans to register and vote in all elections. In addition, Legionnaires, posts, districts and departments are encouraged to fully involve themselves in the electoral process by serving as poll volunteers, poll workers and by encouraging and assisting others to register and vote.
Legionnaires encouraged to engage in promoting voting, but remain non-political during election cycle
Important items to be aware of:
Can I wear my American Legion cap to a political event? No. The American Legion cap is considered the official legion uniform (see p. 38 of 2024 Officer's Guide). If attending a political event, The American Legion cap, or any clothing with The American Legion emblem visible, must be removed so as not to imply any endorsement by The American Legion.
Can we use our American Legion post for a political event? When using post facilities to host any candidates, the post must remove American Legion emblems and American Legion flags to avoid any impression of endorsements. Candidates for all parties must be presented equal opportunity to use the facilities on the same terms and conditions as other competing candidates.
Can I get The American Legion at the local, state and national level to support a candidate running for Congress or any political office? No. In Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of The American Legion, "The American Legion shall be absolutely nonpolitical and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles nor for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment." Additionally, the National Charter, approved by Congress, stipulates The American Legion as an organization is nonpolitical. Therefore, The American Legion as an organization is never to help or endorse a candidate. However, you, as a private citizen and not speaking for the organization, can do whatever is legal and ethical to advance his/her candidacy.
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